Destination Scotland, or Hello Haggis

Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands – photo credit:

Photo credit:

As The Six Monthers the time is rapidly approaching to relocate to our next country of choice – Scotland. Airline reservations are made. We are researching rentals in and around Edinburgh. Through my blog I have connected with people who have offered detailed information like the best locations to catch trains and buses and what distance from the city is practical for commuters. We have learned that living twenty miles outside of Edinburgh is more economical as well as slower paced like you would expect of any suburban area. We will use temporary lodging and continue our housing search once we arrive.

Photo credit:

One of the most frequently asked questions we get from people with whom we discuss our lifestyle is, “Why six months?” How did we come up with that interval of time to live in a new country? Our answer is that six months is sufficient time to immerse into the culture of a country – to determine the best places to shop for groceries, to visit local farmers markets, to locate transportation hubs, and to discover a few favorite hangouts. It is also less expensive to rent a place for six months. We prefer to establish a base rather than move from place to place, which sounds exhausting.

sco054Six months sets a limit on how much time we have to explore and discover places we have researched. This time frame impels us to tour and not put off our sightseeing. Staying longer than six months in a country might tempt us to get complacent about exploring the region. We keep our energy level up by knowing the clock is ticking. We continue pursuing historic, cultural and scenic destinations based on our research and input from the locals.

sco014Along with the excitement of the upcoming move is the difficulty of saying goodbye to Mexico. As is always the case, it is the friends we have made that we will miss most. We have spent the past two years in Latin America, and we have learned much about the awe-inspiring history and culture of our Spanish-speaking neighbors.

Now we are heading to Europe, and after that Asia. We have mapped out the next ten years with our bucket list of countries we seek to experience six months at a time. We have much to see and learn about other countries in the world, and we look forward to sharing our adventures as we go.

Note: Photo credits, unless otherwise specified, are courtesy of Steve at

living in Mexico

31 comments on “Destination Scotland, or Hello Haggis

  1. Hey Mike! I just checked out your bucket list for the next ten years. All I can say is WOW – you and Florence really know how to live! This way you guys always have something exciting to look forward to. I’m not organized enough to plan ten years in advance. I might be able to come up with a plan, but I know I’d never stick to it. I’m not good with follow through, but I admire it in other people. Celeste:)

    • Thank you for sharing our excitement, Celeste. We may fine tune the list as we go along. However, Florence is a terrific planner, and by coming up with this list of destinations we remain committed to the idea of moving at regular intervals. Could something come up that would influence our itinerary? Of course, but that’s the beauty of the plan. We are flexible. And no matter what may come our way, I will be writing about it.

      Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”
      Simply stated, I don’t want to be that guy. – Mike

  2. Mike! Sorry to see you leave Mexico just as my adventure there is about to begin. But very excited to follow your adventures in Scotland. Be sure not to miss the highlands of the North West. Spectacular! And of course go over to the Isle of Skye.


    • Yes, it would have been great for our paths to cross. Thank you for your suggestions about Scotland. I am eager to visit the highlands, and I hope to make it to a ski area late in the year if the snow comes early enough. It has been too long (4 years) since I have been skiing, which I miss! The Isle of Skye is high on our list, too.

  3. mkesling63 says:

    Sounds like a great retirement plan.

  4. ninahuppertz says:

    I hope Scotland treats you well. Happy 6 month-ing in Edinburgh. Can’t wait to see more posts.

  5. Rosemarie says:

    What if you really fall in love with a place and you don’t want to leave?

    • Rosemarie, here are a few responses:

      1. Our self-imposed six month rule was designed to combat the temptation to settle.
      2. We would have to apply for special visas, something we do not currently need to deal with.
      3. Our timeline reaches out only ten years. There may be any number of places we wish to return to. Currently, there are towns in both Chile and Uruguay on that list. Perhaps we will be graced with sufficient time and health for a return stay.
      4. There are special places all over the world. High on that list is the U.S., and I expect we will one day return with no desire to leave.

      Thank you for asking an excellent, thought-provoking question! – Mike

  6. Amazing images and really get’s me motivated to pack & track Scotland! Thank for sharing 🙂

    • I was fortunate to obtain permission from the photographer to choose from among his photos since I have not yet been to Scotland. The images have gotten us pretty excited as well!

  7. sweetsound says:

    Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog! I currently live in Edinburgh! Although, I’m quite close to the city center (just off the royal mile) and I LOVE being in the middle of everything, although I’m sure Edinburgh ‘burb life has its own charm that I haven’t been privilege to. Good luck getting settled, and if you ever want to meet up for a coffee or just want any tips on places, let me know! Welcome to Scotland! 🙂

    • Thank you for your offer to meet! My wife and I definitely would like to get together for coffee and to get your insight as to places to see and fun hangouts in the city. We will be in touch as our arrival date approaches. – Mike

  8. Erin says:

    So exciting to see your next adventures–and Scotland is an enviable destination! I’m definitely looking forward to all your posts and photographs. Best of luck!

  9. What an adventure! Enjoy Scotland!

  10. Oh so excited for the two of you, Mike! I’d love to see Scotland and my son is an avid fan of their history. The scenery will be such a change from Mexico… not to mention the food! No doubt you’ll miss all that wonderful, spicy stuff… that is so damned yummy. I appreciate the explanation for the 6 months… makes perfect sense. I’m living vicariously thru you! All the best.

    • Don’t tell me they don’t have jalapeños in Scotland? OH NO! Well, if they have any I am sure I will find them. 🙂
      I think Florence is excited about being in a mostly English-speaking country for awhile. We are both excited about walking in the hills and the countryside. I am sure I will find plenty to write about. Thank you for following along!
      BTW – we just launched our brand new Six Monther website! Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think. (The FAQ page is still under construction.)

    • sanstorm says:

      Plenty of Mexican food in Scotland – don’t worry. (Although we are more famous for our curries..)

      • I knew it! Plenty of spicy food. See, I knew the Scots were a sophisticated society! And I LOVE curries, too. Thank you for your uplifting message. I’m salivating already. 🙂

  11. blade3colorado says:

    Mike, you’ll love Edinburgh. I’ve been there twice and enjoyed myself immensely. The people will literally give you the shirt off their back, i.e., that’s how friendly and helpful they are. When I was stationed in East Anglia (one of the RAF bases), 3 friends and I traveled to Edinburgh for New Year’s eve weekend. We booked a bed and breakfast and the family proprietors were the best. Our car wouldn’t start when we headed back to England and the owner said, “Not a problem, leave the car here, we’ll have it serviced, while you take the train back to your base. Come back in a week or when you can get back here and it will be repaired.” Fast forward a week later, we came back and true to his word, the car was fixed. When we asked how much, he wouldn’t take a dime (umm . . . or shilling in this case).

    That’s only one example, I have a few others (on a subsequent trip I made in 2000 there) as well. You both are going to have a blast there!

    • Mike Lince says:

      Steve, thanks for sharing such a great story. It warms my cockles just reading about it. And I can honestly say we are both getting excited about the move. Everyone we have spoken to who has been to Scotland has simply raved about it. I’m looking forward to having a few stories of my own about Scotland to share very soon!

  12. reocochran says:

    I am excited also about your going to Scotland and in wonder that you have the next ten years of living places figured out! What a life and we are all enjoying the ride along with you and your wife. Too bad we can’t all be in the suitcase or on the road to share a drink or coffee with you! Enjoy Scotland, my Dad’s family is half Scottish dating back to King Bruce and half English dating back to King Philip. These countries are on my ‘bucket list,’ too! Take care and enjoy the time here back in the U.S. It will fly by!

    • Mike Lince says:

      We are getting excited about this move if for no other reason than that neither of us has been to Scotland, which is true of most of the countries on our list. I only hope my future posts about these incredible places live up to your expectations. As a reader you motivate me as a writer, so I thank you for following and commenting.

  13. Gavin M says:

    I’m fascinated by your ‘6 months at a time’ way of travelling, have bookmarked the blog, and looking forward to hearing you stories about Scotland. By the way you may want to check out Lupe Pintos deli (branches in Edinburgh and Glasgow) when you arrive. Lots of Mexican food in there!

    Best wishes, Gavin M.

    • Mike Lince says:

      I must say I am surprised at how many people’s attention was drawn to our traveling saga once I mentioned Scotland. I had no idea how many people have been there and/or their ancestors came from there. Our excitement keeps growing as I anticipate the trip.
      Thank you, Gavin, for following and muchas gracias for the tip about the Mexican deli!

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